12-4-406 - Review of prevailing wage determination.

12-4-406. Review of prevailing wage determination.

(a)  The commission shall conduct a public hearing within ten (10) days of the notice required in § 12-4-405. At such public hearing, the commission shall present the documentation provided for in this part other than payroll records, and any other facts upon which the prevailing wage determination was made. Any interested party may present any other facts or documentation material to the determination of the prevailing wage rate at such hearing. Within ten (10) days after such public hearing, the commission shall give notice of its final determination on such prevailing wage rate to all contractors who submitted documentation in accordance with the provisions of this part and to any others making written request for such notice.

(b)  Judicial review of such final determination of the prevailing wage rate shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Uniform Administrative Procedures Act, compiled in title 4, chapter 5.

[Acts 1975, ch. 368, § 1; T.C.A., § 12-440.]