12-4-116 - Standard prototype design for correctional facilities.

12-4-116. Standard prototype design for correctional facilities.

(a)  “State standard prototype,” for the purposes of this part, means a design on which a state correctional facility is based so that the design can be used by the state to construct similar buildings at different sites at a future time. The state building commission may designate state standard prototypes from design documents which were originally prepared for the exclusive use of the state. The state architect shall place the appropriate designation on a document which is determined to be a state standard prototype.

(b)  Prior to the re-use of documents for a project in which the original architect or engineer is not also involved, the state shall remove and obliterate from all documents the identification of the original architect or engineer, including name, address, professional seal or stamp, and signature. The architect or engineer who is involved in a state standard prototypical re-use project shall affix such architect's or engineer's seal or stamp to such design, and shall be solely responsible for all documents on which such architect's or engineer's seal or stamp is placed, and shall hold the original architect or engineer harmless from suits by third parties.

(c)  The original architect or engineer shall not be liable for injury or damage resulting from re-use of plans, designs, details, specifications or construction documents of a state standard prototype by the state or third parties, if the original architect or engineer is not also involved in the re-use project. It is the intent of this section that the architect or engineer who seals or stamps a prototype is legally responsible only for that set of documents on which such architect's or engineer's seal or stamp is placed.

[Acts 1988, ch. 800, § 2.]