12-3-1005 - Transfers of surplus personal property among governmental entities.

12-3-1005. Transfers of surplus personal property among governmental entities.

(a)  Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, counties, municipalities and metropolitan governments may purchase, trade or receive as a gift, upon approval of the governing bodies involved in the transaction, any used or surplus personal property from another county, municipality, metropolitan government, state government, federal government or any instrumentality of the foregoing, without regard to any laws regarding public advertisement and competitive bidding. Also notwithstanding any other provision of law, any county, municipality, or metropolitan government may by resolution or ordinance of its governing body establish a procedure for the disposition of its surplus personal property to other governmental entities, including, but not limited to, counties, municipalities, metropolitan governments, the state of Tennessee, the federal government, other states or their political subdivisions and the instrumentalities of any of the foregoing, by sale, gift, trade, or barter upon such terms as the governing body may authorize, without regard to any other provisions of law regarding the sale or disposition of used or surplus personal property.

(b)  The provisions of this section shall be construed as supplemental authority for counties, municipalities and metropolitan governments.

[Acts 1989, ch. 305, § 1.]