10-7-302 - Public records commission created Duties.
10-7-302. Public records commission created Duties.
A public records commission is hereby created to consist of the state treasurer, the comptroller of the treasury, the secretary of state, the director of legal services for the general assembly, and the commissioner of general services as permanent members, any of whom may designate a deputy with a vote as such person's agent to represent such person, the president of the Tennessee historical society as a nonvoting member, and, when required, one (1) temporary and nonvoting member as provided in § 10-7-303. It is the duty of the commission to determine and order proper disposition of state records. The commission shall direct the department of general services to initiate, through the records management division, by regulation or otherwise, any action it may consider necessary to accomplish more efficient control and regulation of records holdings and management in any agency. Such rules and regulations may authorize centralized microfilming for all departments, etc., or provide for other methods of reproduction for the more efficient disposition of state records. The commission shall elect its chair and shall meet not less often than twice annually. Members shall be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses when attending meetings, and those members who do not receive a fixed salary from the state also shall be paid a per diem of ten dollars ($10.00) for each day of actual meeting. All reimbursement for travel expenses shall be in accordance with the provisions of the comprehensive travel regulations as promulgated by the department of finance and administration and approved by the attorney general and reporter.
[Acts 1974, ch. 739, § 2; 1975, ch. 286, § 2; 1976, ch. 806, § 1(58); 1977, ch. 89, § 24; T.C.A., § 15-402; Acts 1981, ch. 364, § 3; 1982, ch. 810, § 3; 1984, ch. 728, § 8.]