Section 37-32-8 - Limitations on solicitor or sponsor.

37-32-8. Limitations on solicitor or sponsor. A solicitor or sponsor may not do any of the following:
(1) Place on an envelope containing a written prize notice any representation that the person to whom the envelope is addressed has won or will receive a prize;
(2) Deliver a written prize notice that contains language, or is designed in a manner, that would lead a reasonable person to believe that it originates from a government agency, public utility, insurance company, consumer reporting agency, debt collector, or law firm unless the written prize notice originates from that source; or
(3) Represent directly or by implication that the number of individuals eligible for the prize is limited or that an individual has won or will receive a particular prize unless the representation is true.

Source: SL 1997, ch 223, § 8.