Section 36-4C-21 - Record keeping responsibilities of secretary of board.

36-4C-21. Record keeping responsibilities of secretary of board. The secretary of the board shall keep a record book in which are entered the names of all persons to whom licenses or temporary permits have been granted under this chapter, the identification number of the license or temporary permit, the date of granting the license or temporary permit, license renewal dates, and other matters of record. This book is a book of records and transcripts of any record therein pertaining to a person charged with a violation of any of the provisions of this chapter, certified under the hand of the secretary, and the seal of the board, and shall be admitted as evidence in any of the courts of this state. The original books, records and papers of the board shall be kept at the office of the secretary of the board. The secretary shall furnish any person making an application a copy of any requested record, certified by him as secretary, upon payment of a fee of twenty-five cents per page.

Source: SL 1993, ch 273, § 21.