Section 31-14-43 - Agreement for completion of vehicle bridge across navigable river onappropriation of other half of cost.

31-14-43. Agreement for completion of vehicle bridge across navigable river on appropriation of other half of cost. If the remaining one-half of the cost of a bridge described in § 31-14-41 shall be provided by an appropriation from any neighboring state, or by any municipality in this state, to be expended under a commission or through any other suitable agency, it shall then be the duty of such board of county commissioners to appoint a committee of its own number, whether three or more, to meet such other agency, confer with its members, and advise and assist in the accomplishment of such improvement in the best possible manner, and when the work is completed and approved jointly by such agency and committee of such board of county commissioners, which approval shall be in writing and duly reported to such board and recorded in the minutes thereof, the board shall thereupon order the amount of the appropriation paid to the contractor or contractors of such improvement by warrant upon the county treasury in the usual form and manner.

Source: SL 1887, ch 18, § 2; CL 1887, § 1240; RPolC 1903, § 1645; RC 1919, § 8690; SDC 1939, § 28.1421.