Section 31-3-11 - Validation of vacation of highway not within municipality.

31-3-11. Validation of vacation of highway not within municipality. Whenever the governing body of any township, or county, of this state, having jurisdiction has had, or shall have, presented to it a petition for the vacation of any public highway or street, alley, or public ground or any part thereof, not located within the corporate limits of any municipality, and, after due hearing such governing body has granted or shall grant the petition in whole or in part and there was, or shall be, recorded in the office of the register of deeds of the county wherein such area is located a certified copy of the resolution or record of the action taken by such body relative to such petition, any defect or irregularity in the proceedings in such matter shall be deemed validated, legalized, and cured at the end of two years following the date of such recording and any easement or interest of the public in or upon the area so vacated shall then be terminated and action thereon barred.

Source: SL 1951, ch 138, § 2; SDC Supp 1960, § 28.0411-1.