Chapter 45 - Definitions And General Provisions
- Section 23A-45-1 - Criminal proceedings defined.
- Section 23A-45-2 - (Rule 54(a)) Proceedings to which title applies.
- Sections 23A-45-3 to 23A-45-6 - (Rules 54(b)(1) to (4)) Reserved
- Section 23A-45-7 - (Rule 54(b)(5)) Proceedings to which title not applicable.
- Section 23A-45-8 - Conflicts between title and other portions of code.
- Section 23A-45-9 - (Rule 54(c)) Definition of terms.
- Section 23A-45-10 - (Rule 55) Records kept as prescribed by Supreme Court.
- Section 23A-45-11 - (Rule 56) Circuit court always open--Hours when clerk's office open.
- Section 23A-45-12 - (Rule 57(a)) Circuit court rules adopted by presiding judge--Consistent withtitle--Copies furnished to Supreme Court and code counsel--Publication ofrules.
- Section 23A-45-13 - (Rule 57(b)) Procedure not specifically prescribed by statute or rule.
- Section 23A-45-14 - (Rule 58) Forms drawn up by attorney general--Publication by codecommission--Not mandatory.
- Section 23A-45-15 - (Rule 60) Citation of title--Citation of Rules of Criminal Procedure.