Section 23A-10A-14 - Facility's report--Probability that defendant will become competent withina year--Length of commitment determined by court--Review afterone-year commitment.

23A-10A-14. Facility's report--Probability that defendant will become competent within a year--Length of commitment determined by court--Review after one-year commitment. After four months of evaluation, pursuant to § 23A-10A-4, if the facility has not certified that the defendant is competent to proceed, pursuant to § 23A-10A-4.1, the director of the approved facility shall issue a report to the circuit court evaluating whether there is a substantial probability that within the next year the defendant will become competent to proceed. After receipt of that report by the circuit court, the court shall set a time for hearing to determine whether or not the defendant is reasonably likely to become competent to proceed within the next year.
If the court finds there is a reasonable likelihood that the defendant will become competent to proceed within the next year, it shall order the defendant committed to an approved facility for an additional specified period of time, not to exceed one year, or until the director of the facility issues a certificate of recovery pursuant to § 23A-10A-4.1.
If the court finds there is no reasonable likelihood that the defendant will become competent to proceed within one year, it shall review the defendant's condition to determine appropriate placement and order the defendant committed to an approved facility for a term consistent with § 23A-10A-15.
If the one year provided for in this section has run without a certificate of recovery being issued, the director of the approved facility shall notify the court that one year has expired since the order of detention, and the court shall order a hearing to review the defendant's condition to determine appropriate placement and order the defendant's commitment to an approved facility for a term consistent with § 23A-10A-15.

Source: SL 1991, ch 199, § 7.