Section 15-12-20 - Definition of terms.
15-12-20. Definition of terms. Terms, as used in §§ 15-12-20 to 15-12-37, inclusive, unless the context otherwise requires, mean:
(1) "Action," any action or special proceeding in the trial court, whether civil or criminal or quasi-criminal;
(2) "Canon" or "Canons," the canons set forth in the South Dakota Code of Judicial Conduct appearing as an appendix to chapter 16-2;
(3) "Judge," a judge of the circuit court or a retired justice or judge acting pursuant to appointment by the Chief Justice;
(4) "Magistrate," both magistrate judges and nonlaw-trained magistrates as defined by § 16-12A-1; and
(5) "Party," any party within the meaning of the rules of civil or criminal procedure and the statutes of this state.
Source: Supreme Court Rule No. 75-5, § 1.