Chapter 57 - University of South Dakota
- Section 13-57-1 - Designation and location--Control by board of regents--Programs ofinstruction.
- Sections 13-57-2, 13-57-3 - Repealed
- Section 13-57-3.1 - School of medicine created.
- Section 13-57-3.2 - Indian studies center recognized--Purposes.
- Section 13-57-4 - Sectarian religion and partisan politics prohibited in university.
- Section 13-57-5 - Equipment and instructional facilities for university.
- Section 13-57-6 - Natural history and geological specimens as state property.
- Section 13-57-6.1 - Museum continued within cultural preservation office--Functions performedby office.
- Section 13-57-7 - Repealed.
- Sections 13-57-8 to 13-57-10 - Superseded
- Section 13-57-11 - Obsolete.
- Section 13-57-12 - Repealed.
- Section 13-57-12.1 - Superseded.
- Section 13-57-12.2 - Repealed.
- Sections 13-57-13, 13-57-14 - Repealed
- Section 13-57-15 - Repealed.
- Sections 13-57-16 to 13-57-22 - Repealed
- Section 13-57-23 - Transferred.
- Sections 13-57-24 to 13-57-26 - Repealed