Title 5 - Municipal Corporations
SECTION 5-17-10. Electors of municipality permitted to propose ordinances.
The electors of a municipality may propose any ordinance, except an ordinance appropriating money or authorizing the levy of taxes. Any initiated ordinance may be submitted to the council by a petition signed by qualified electors of the municipality equal in number to at least fifteen percent of the registered voters at the last regular municipal election and certified by the municipal election commission as being in accordance with the provisions of this section.
SECTION 5-17-20. Electors' petition requesting repeal of ordinance authorizing evidences of debt requiring pledge of full faith and credit of municipality.
Within sixty days after the enactment by the council of any ordinance authorizing the issuance of bonds, notes or other evidence of debt the repayment of which requires a pledge of the full faith and credit of the municipality, a petition signed by the qualified electors of the municipality equal in number to at least fifteen percent of the registered voters at the last preceding regular municipal election may be filed with the municipal clerk requesting that any such ordinance be repealed; provided, however, that this section shall not apply to bond issues approved by referendum or to notes issued in anticipation of taxes.
SECTION 5-17-30. Special election subsequent to council's failure or refusal to act upon initiative petition in manner desired by electors.
If the council shall fail to pass an ordinance proposed by initiative petition or shall pass it in a form substantially different from that set forth in the petition therefor or if the council fail to repeal an ordinance for which a petition has been presented, the adoption or repeal of the ordinance concerned shall be submitted to the electors not less than thirty days nor more than one year from the date the council takes its final vote thereon. The council may, in its discretion, and if no regular election is to be held within such period, provide for a special election.