Title 25 - Military, Civil Defense and Veterans Affairs



SECTION 25-19-10. Prisoners of war commission; members; terms; vacancies.

There is established a Prisoner of War Commission in South Carolina composed of one member from each congressional district and one member from the State at large, to be appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of a majority of the members of the Senate representing the congressional district involved and a majority of the members of the House of Representatives representing the congressional district involved. A chairman must be elected annually by the commission from its membership. All members must be former prisoners of war. The South Carolina Department of the American Ex-Prisoners of War may submit to the Governor names and biographical data on former prisoners of war willing and able to serve. Their terms are for four years and until their successors are appointed and qualify, except that the initial members from the first, third, and fifth congressional districts shall serve for terms of two years. Vacancies must be filled by the Governor for the remainder of an unexpired term.

SECTION 25-19-20. Commission attached to Department of Veterans' Affairs; location of commission.

The commission is attached to the Department of Veterans' Affairs for logistical and staff support only and may be located in Columbia in space provided by the State Budget and Control Board.

SECTION 25-19-30. Meetings of commission.

The commission shall meet at least two times yearly at a time and a place and on a date designated by the chairman and at other times at the call of the chairman or upon the request of a majority of the members.

SECTION 25-19-40. Functions of commission.

The functions of the commission include the following:

(1) develop and maintain an up-to-date listing of all former prisoners of war residing in South Carolina;

(2) coordinate all South Carolina related former prisoner of war functions;

(3) review, discuss, and make recommendations concerning the adequacy, policies, and practices of medical services care and treatment at the Veterans Administration facilities in South Carolina;

(4) review, discuss, and make recommendations concerning the policies and practices in regard to disability compensation for former prisoners of war under laws administered by the Veterans Administration;

(5) coordinate the deficiencies and recommendations for improvement of items (3) and (4) with officials of the designated Veterans Administration facilities;

(6) plan and implement studies, surveys, publications, and use of media that inform former prisoners of war of their rights and forms of compensation, both under federal and state laws and regulations;

(7) develop and maintain close liaison in all foregoing functions with the South Carolina Department and chapters of the American Ex-Prisoners of War and all other veteran organizations.

SECTION 25-19-50. Annual report of commission.

The commission annually shall submit a written report to the Governor, the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and each member of the South Carolina Congressional Delegation in Washington, D. C., detailing its policies and goals established pursuant to Sections 25-19-10 et seq., its efforts and actions in carrying out its functions, and their results. It shall make special reports it considers desirable. The commission may make suggestions it considers advisable concerning legislative, executive, or administrative actions which would serve to improve benefits and services available to former prisoners of war and their families.

SECTION 25-19-60. Compensation of commission members; funding of commission.

The members of the commission shall receive the mileage, per diem, and subsistence provided by law for members of state boards, committees, and commissions for each meeting attended. The commission shall receive funding as may be provided by the General Assembly in the annual general appropriations act necessary for carrying out the commission's functions.