Title 11 - Public Finance
SECTION 11-53-10. Special accounts.
Each state agency may establish a special account for the purpose of funding the agency's nonrecurring implementation expenses of the South Carolina Enterprise Information System (SCEIS). An agency may transfer into this account funds at the discretion of the agency head to be set aside and expended for the identified purpose. The total amount of funds transferred into the account cannot exceed the agency's implementation costs as projected by the SCEIS Project Team. The special account is exempt from the calculation of any mid-year budget reduction ordered by the State Budget and Control Board. Any unexpended balance in the special account may be carried forward to the succeeding fiscal year and expended for the same purposes. The Comptroller General shall monitor these special accounts to ensure compliance with the provisions of this joint resolution. It is the intent of the General Assembly that agencies pursue grants and other nonstate funding sources to fund their portion of the SCEIS implementation.
SECTION 11-53-20. Implementation; exemptions; reports.
It is mandated by the General Assembly that the SCEIS shall be implemented for all agencies, with the exception of lump-sum agencies, the General Assembly or its respective branches or its committees, Legislative Council, and the Office of Legislative Printing and Information Technology Resources. The South Carolina Enterprise Information System Oversight Committee, as appointed by the Comptroller General, shall provide oversight for the implementation and continued operations of the system. The Budget and Control Board is authorized to use any available existing technology resources to assist with funding of the initial implementation of the system. It is further the intent of the General Assembly to fund the central government costs related to the implementation of the system. Agencies are required to implement SCEIS at a cost and in accordance with a schedule developed and approved by the SCEIS Oversight Committee. Full implementation must be completed within five years. An agency's implementation cost shall be borne by that agency through existing appropriations, grants, and/or the State Treasurer's Master Lease Program and shall be for the implementation of the "back office" administrative functions that are common to all agencies in the areas of purchasing, finance, human resources, payroll, and budgeting. Any issues arising with regard to project scope, implementation schedule, and associated costs shall be directed to the SCEIS Oversight Committee for resolution. In cooperation with the Comptroller General and the Budget and Control Board's Division of the State CIO, the South Carolina Enterprise Information System Oversight Committee is required to report by January 31 of the fiscal year to the Governor, the Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, and the Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee the status of the system's implementation and on-going operations.
SECTION 11-53-30. State Office of Human Resources; modification of human resource policies to implement and transition to System; publication of changes.
In order to implement and transition to the South Carolina Enterprise Informational System, the State Office of Human Resources is authorized to amend or modify human resource policies, regulations, and processes as it determines efficient to implement and transition to the South Carolina Enterprise Informational System. Any changes or modifications adopted by the State Office of Human Resources shall be published in the State Register and published on the official State Office of Human Resources website prior to the changes or modifications taking effect.