§ 9-9-23 - Investigation of names drawn Lists of persons well qualified to serve.
SECTION 9-9-23
§ 9-9-23 Investigation of names drawn Lists of persons well qualified to serve. (a) The jury commissioner, either personally or by such assistant as he or shemay employ as provided in § 9-9-7, shall investigate the names of allpersons drawn as provided in § 9-9-14.1, and as far as possible in theorder in which the names appear upon the lists. The investigation may be madeby the mailing of questionnaires to such persons, or by other written inquiriesdeemed by the jury commissioner to be appropriate, but where the jurycommissioner considers further investigation to be necessary or desirable, theinvestigation may include a personal interview by the jury commissioner or byone of his or her duly appointed assistants. The jury commissioner shall makelists of all grand and petit jurors for each town not exempted as provided in§ 9-9-3, and in the order in which they were originally drawn, as he orshe shall deem well qualified to serve, being persons of good moral character,of sound judgment, and free from all exception, which lists shall be kept onfile in the office of the jury commissioner. The jury commissioner shallpreserve a full record of the investigation, which shall not be disclosed toany person except by order of a justice of the superior court, or by order ofthe chief judge or associate justice of the family court, and may summon beforehim or her any person subject to serve as a juror, or any person who in thejury commissioner's opinion has particular knowledge of a juror's fitness toserve as a juror, and for this purpose may administer oaths, and have the samepowers as are by law provided for the summoning of witnesses by a coroner. Anyperson so summoned shall be entitled to the same fees as a witness summonedbefore a coroner. No rejection of a juror by the jury commissioner shall takefinal effect until it has been approved by a justice of the superior court,appointed for this purpose by the presiding justice, and he or she may appointdifferent justices from time to time for each county. A justice of the familycourt who has been appointed by the chief judge for the purpose of consideringthe recommendations of the jury commissioner concerning the fitness of jurorsmay also reject jurors. The chief judge may appoint different justices fromtime to time for each county.
(b) The jury commissioner shall not place any person upon thelist who is not qualified as provided in § 9-9-1.1, nor shall he or shefail to place any person upon the list who is qualified, and if thecommissioner or any of his or her assistants shall willfully violate any of theprovisions of this section they shall be fined not exceeding one thousanddollars ($1,000) or be imprisoned for the term of not more than one year, orboth.