§ 9-9-1.1 - Qualifications of jurors.
SECTION 9-9-1.1
§ 9-9-1.1 Qualifications of jurors. (a) A person is qualified to serve as a juror if the person is:
(1) A citizen of the United States; and
(2) A resident of Rhode Island who either:
(i) Resides in the county where the person is registered tovote; or
(ii) Is licensed to operate a motor vehicle within thisstate; or
(iii) Possesses a Rhode Island identification card issuedpursuant to the provisions of §§ 3-8-6 and 3-8-6.1; or
(iv) Is an individual filing a state income tax return; or
(v) Is an individual recipient of unemployment compensation.
(3) At least 18 years of age;
(4) Able to understand and participate in the courtproceedings; and
(5) Physically and mentally capable of performing in areasonable manner the duties of a juror.
(b) No person shall be allowed to serve as a juror if he orshe has been lawfully adjudicated to be non compos mentis.
(c) No person convicted of a felony shall be allowed to serveas a juror, until completion of such felon's sentence, served or suspended, andof parole or probation regardless of a nolo contendere plea.
(d) Notwithstanding subdivisions (a)(4) and (5), a personwith a disability shall not be ineligible to serve as a juror solely on thebasis of his or her disability, and if that person meets the aboverequirements, with reasonable accommodations if necessary, he or she shall bedeemed a qualified juror.
(e) Nothing in this section shall prevent the court fromdisqualifying a prospective juror because he or she lacks a faculty or has adisability which will prevent the potential juror from being a competent jurorin a particular case.
(f) Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit aparty's right to preemptorially challenge jurors.