§ 9-5-15 - Form for writs of replevin.

SECTION 9-5-15

   § 9-5-15  Form for writs of replevin.– Writs of replevin shall be substantially in the following form:



   SC. To the sheriffs of our several counties and to theirdeputies,

   (SEAL)                                 Greeting:

   We command you that you replevy, if to be found within yourprecinct, the goods and chattels following, viz.: (Here enumerate andparticularly describe them) belonging to            of               now taken (detained, or attached as the case may be) by               of               at               in the county of               and them deliver unto the said               , provided the same are not taken, attached, or detained uponoriginal writ, mesne process, warrant of distress, or upon execution as theproperty of the said            ; andsummon the said          to appearon the return-day hereof (said return-day being the               day of               A. D. 19      ) in the SUPERIOR COURTto be holden at the county courthouse at               , to answer unto the said               in a plea of replevin that the said               on the               day of               at said               unlawfully, and without justifiable cause, took the goods andchattels of the said            asaforesaid, and them unlawfully detained unto this day, (or, unlawfully detainedthe goods and chattels aforesaid, as the case may be) to the damage of the said            , as hesays,               dollars.

   Hereof fail not, and make true return of this writ with yourdoings thereon, together with the bond you shall take of the plaintiff.

   Witness, the seal of our superior court, at               this               day of               in the year , Clerk.