§ 9-5-10 - Direction and return of district courts writs and summonses.
SECTION 9-5-10
§ 9-5-10 Direction and return of districtcourts writs and summonses. Writs and summonses issued by a district court shall be made returnable to thecourt at the place and on the day and hour provided by law, to be named in thewrits and summonses, and shall, except as otherwise specifically provided, bedirected to the sheriff, the sheriff 's deputies, or to either of thetown sergeants or constables licensed pursuant to § 45-16-4.1 of thecounty in which the action shall be brought, or pursuant to § 45-16-4.3for statewide service; provided, that writs of arrest and writs, summonses, andexecutions issued by a district court in actions for possession of tenements orestates let or held at will or by sufferance shall be directed to the sheriffor the sheriff 's deputies in the county in which the action shall bebrought and service thereof shall be made by the sheriff or the sheriff 's deputies; and provided, further, that in actions wherein the debt or damagesdemanded exceed three hundred dollars ($300), a town sergeant of the county inwhich the action is brought shall have power to serve the writs or summonsesonly if his or her certificate of appointment has been endorsed approving suchuse thereof by the judge of the district court having jurisdiction in the cityor town by which the sergeant was appointed or elected. In case any person uponwhom it is necessary to make service of any writ, summons, or execution issuedby a district court is, or has estate, in any other county than the one inwhich the action is brought, the writ, summons, or execution may also bedirected to and served by the like officer of such other county.