§ 9-3-5 - Notice of hospital lien.


   § 9-3-5  Notice of hospital lien. –No hospital lien shall be effective unless a written notice containing the nameand address of the injured person, the date of the accident, the name andlocation of the hospital, and the name of the person or persons, firm or firms,corporation or corporations alleged to be liable to the injured party for theinjuries received shall be filed in the office of the city or town clerk inwhich the hospital is located, prior to the payment of any money to the injuredperson, his or her attorneys, or legal representatives as compensation for theinjuries; nor unless the hospital shall also mail, postage prepaid, a copy ofthe notice with a statement of the date of filing thereof to the injured personand to the person or persons, firm or firms, corporation or corporationsalleged to be liable to the injured party for the injuries sustained prior tothe payment of any money to the injured person, his or her attorneys, or legalrepresentative as compensation for the injuries. The hospital shall mail a copyof the notice to any insurance carrier which has insured the person, firm, orcorporation against such liability.