§ 9-26-19 - Form of deed on execution sale.

SECTION 9-26-19

   § 9-26-19  Form of deed on execution sale.– (a) The following shall be substantially the form of the deed to be givenwhenever real estate is levied upon and sold as provided in this chapter:


   PRESENTS SHALL COME. sendGreeting:   

   Whereas an execution against         at the suit of         was by me the said         on the         day of         levied on (here describethe premises); and whereas on the         day of         all the estate, right,title, interest, and property of the said         in the premisesaforesaid, were by me, the said         sold at public auction,for the satisfaction of the said execution, to         , who was the highestbidder, for the sum of         which the said         hath since well and trulypaid to me the said          : NOWKNOW YE, that by force and virtue of the law in such case made and provided, I,the said          in considerationof the sum of money paid unto me as aforesaid, do by these presents bargain,sell, assign, and set over unto the said         heirs and assignsforever, all the estate, right, title, interest, property, freehold, andinheritance of the said         of, in and to the saidpremises and appurtenances at the time of the levy thereon. TO HAVE AND TO HOLDthe said premises and appurtenances to the said         heirs and assignsforever. IN WITNESS, &C.

   (b) And there shall be annexed to the deed, and forming apart thereof, a copy of the execution and the officer's return thereon, dulycertified by the officer.