§ 9-26-14 - Recording of execution against real estate.
SECTION 9-26-14
§ 9-26-14 Recording of execution againstreal estate. Whenever execution is to be levied upon real estate or any interest therein,the officer charged with the service of the execution shall file with therecorder of deeds, if any, or with the town clerk or the city clerk of the townor city in which the real estate shall lie, a copy of the execution, with hisor her doings thereon, together with a description of the real estate orinterest therein to be so levied upon, and the recorder of deeds, if any, orthe town clerk or city clerk shall note upon the copy of the execution theexact time, as nearly as may be, when the execution was filed in his or heroffice, and shall also enter in a book, to be kept by him or her for thatpurpose, the names of all the parties in the execution, including the name ofany partnership set forth in the writ where any real property of a defendantwhose property is being levied upon is held in a partnership name, the amountof the judgment, the time when the copy was filed in his or her office, and thename of the court to which and the time when the execution is returnable, andshall be entitled to demand and to receive from the officer a fee of fiftycents ($.50) in each case.