§ 9-25-8 - Form of district court writ of execution.

SECTION 9-25-8

   § 9-25-8  Form of district court writ ofexecution. – A writ of execution issued by a district court shall be substantially in thefollowing form:



   To the sheriff, his deputy or to either of the town sergeantsor constables in the county of

   (SEAL)                              Greeting:

   Whereas            of            at aDISTRICT COURT holden at            did onthe             dayof            recoverjudgment of said court against            of            for thesum of            debt or(damages), and costs of suit taxed at            , as ofrecord of said court doth appear, which sums, in the whole, amount to            forwhich execution remains to be done: We command you, therefore, that of thegoods and chattels and real estate of the said            withinyour precinct, you levy the said sum of            ,together with 15 cents for this execution, as also your lawful fees for servingthe same, and therewith satisfy and pay the said            ;[and for want of the goods and chattels and real estate of the said            to beby you found within your precinct, to satisfy and pay the same sums aforesaid,we command you to take the body of the said            intoyour custody, and            safelysecure in our jail in            until            satisfyand pay the said            thesums aforesaid and your fees, or until            be bythe said            therefrom discharged, or otherwise by order of law.]

   Hereof fail not, and make true return of this writ and ofyour doings thereon, on the            day of            A.D.            .

   Witness, the seal of the district court of the            judicial district, this            day of            in theyear             ., Clerk (or Justice.)