§ 9-19-35 - Failure to bill inadmissible in medical malpractice cases.
SECTION 9-19-35
§ 9-19-35 Failure to bill inadmissible inmedical malpractice cases. (a) For the purposes of this section, "health care provider" means anyphysician as defined in § 5-37-1(12), hospital, clinic, health maintenanceorganization, or professional service corporation providing health careservices and organized under chapter 5.1 of title 7, or any officer, employee,or agent thereof acting in the course and scope of his employment.
(b) The failure of a health care provider to bill a patientfor services rendered shall not be construed as an admission of liability andshall not be admissible in evidence as to liability in any hearing or trial ofan action of tort or breach of contract for malpractice, error, or mistakeagainst a health care provider.