§ 9-18-13 - Manner of taking deposition in perpetual memory.
SECTION 9-18-13
§ 9-18-13 Manner of taking deposition inperpetual memory. The same formalities shall be observed as to notice, and the same methods maybe employed, in the taking of depositions in perpetual memory as in the takingof other depositions, and the officer taking the deposition shall have the samepower and authority as magistrates taking other depositions to compel anyperson to appeal and depose as provided in this chapter, within this state, inthe same manner as to appear and testify in court. In case any person who isentitled to notice of the taking of the deposition shall be or reside outsideof this state, the notice may be served by any disinterested person, and suchother notice shall be given as the justice to whom the petition was presentedmay order.