§ 9-15-2 - Reference without action or suit brought.
SECTION 9-15-2
§ 9-15-2 Reference without action or suitbrought. Though no action or suit is brought or pending, as provided in § 9-15-1,the district court may permit any persons or corporations who have any cause orcauses of action not following the course of equity and the superior court maypermit any persons or corporations who have any cause or causes of action,existing between them, to enter into a rule of court to refer the cause orcauses of action to the decision of one or more referees, as provided in §9-15-1, either jointly or severally, generally or specially; provided, that norule entered into in the district court under the provisions of this chaptershall be made for any claim or claims which exceed in amount the sum of fivethousand dollars ($5,000).