§ 9-12-10 - Claim of appeal of superior court.
SECTION 9-12-10
§ 9-12-10 Claim of appeal of superiorcourt. Except as otherwise provided, in all civil cases in the district court, anyparty may cause the case to be removed for trial on all questions of law andfact to the superior court for the county in which division the suit ispending, by claiming an appeal from the judgment of the district court, inwriting, filed with the clerk of the division within two (2) days exclusive ofSaturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays after the judgment is entered; provided,that the party claiming the appeal, at the time of claiming the appeal, shallpay to the clerk all costs including an attorney's fee of fifty dollars($50.00) for the party or parties adversely interested in the judgment, to bepaid by the clerk to the attorney for the adverse party. The attorney's fee offifty dollars ($50.00) shall be divided equally among the attorneys for theparties adversely interested when more than one adverse party is involved; andprovided, further, that costs shall not be taxed, exclusive of the attorney'sfee, at a sum not less than twenty-five dollars ($25.00).