§ 9-10-8 - Period of service of jurors.
SECTION 9-10-8
§ 9-10-8 Period of service of jurors. No person summoned as a petit juror shall be required to serve more than two(2) weeks in any year in which he or she may be summoned; unless at theexpiration of the period of two (2) weeks he or she shall be actually servingon a jury theretofore impaneled to try an issue then pending and undetermined,in which case he or she shall continue to serve until the trial is concluded.Notwithstanding the above provisions, if a juror has been tentatively selectedto serve on a jury by the parties litigant and the juror has not been formallysworn and impaneled by the end of the two (2) week period, the trial judge, inhis or her discretion, may extend the two (2) week term until the trial isconcluded or until the juror is excused. Provided every person summoned as agrand juror shall serve as such in the term for which he or she is summoned forsuch time or times as the court may require and until a succeeding grand juryshall be called and impaneled as provided by law.