§ 9-10-11.2 - Qualification and division of petit jury panels.
SECTION 9-10-11.2
§ 9-10-11.2 Qualification and division ofpetit jury panels. The presiding justice of the superior court and the chief judge of the familycourt may assign a justice of those courts or the jury commissioner for thepurpose of qualifying petit jurors and dividing the petit jury panels intosubpanels. The assigned justice shall order the panel of petit jurors to bedivided into two (2) or more subpanels, constituting of not less thantwenty-five (25) members each in criminal cases and fifteen (15) members eachin civil cases, so that juries may be impaneled from less than the total numbersummoned in several courtrooms and in civil and criminal cases at the sametime; and the assigned justice may thereafter order the consolidation ofseveral subpanels or all of them or may order additions to each of them fromother subpanels and may continue, in like manner, as often as he or she shalldeem it to be necessary to accomplish the purpose of this section. Thesubdivision of the panel into subpanels and additions to the subpanels shall beby lot and the names of jurors so drawn by lot shall be placed in a boxprovided for that purpose.