§ 9-10-1 - Notice by court of jurors required Notifications to sergeants and constables.
SECTION 9-10-1
§ 9-10-1 Notice by court of jurorsrequired Notifications to sergeants and constables. From time to time as occasion may require, the superior court or family courtshall direct notices to be sent by the clerk thereof to the jury commissionerthat there will be required for the county or counties for which the court isheld a certain number of grand or petit jurors and the time and place at whichthey are required to attend. And the jury commissioner on receiving the noticeshall take from the list of jurors qualified as provided in chapter 9 of thistitle, in the order in which their names appear on the jury list, so many namesas may be required to insure the attendance of the number of jurors required bythe court, and shall issue notifications to the city or town sergeant or anyconstable of the town where the jurors reside, either in person or by one ofhis or her assistants or by registered or certified mail, and under his or herhand and seal, designating who are grand and petit jurors, and the time andplace at which the jurors are required to attend. Upon consent of the townsergeant of the town where any juror resides, the jury commissioner may retainthe notifications for service by the jury commissioner or his or her agents.