§ 9-1-48 - Immunity from civil liability Sports teams.
SECTION 9-1-48
§ 9-1-48 Immunity from civil liability Sports teams. (a) Notwithstanding any provisions of law to the contrary, except as otherwiseprovided in subsection (c) of this section, no person who, without compensationand as a volunteer, renders services as a manager, coach, instructor, umpire,referee, or official or who, without compensation and as a volunteer, assists amanager, coach, instructor, umpire, referee, or official in a youth sportsprogram organized and conducted by or under the auspices of a nonprofitcorporation, and no director, trustee, officer, or employee of a nonprofitcorporation which organizes, conducts, or sponsors a youth sports program,shall be liable to any person for any civil damages as a result of any acts oromissions in the rendering of such services or assistance or in theorganization, conduct, or sponsorship of the youth sports program unless theacts or omissions of the person were committed in willful, wanton, or recklessdisregard for the safety of the participants in the youth sports program. Itshall be insufficient to impose liability upon any such person to establishonly that the conduct of the person fell below ordinary standards of care.
(b) Notwithstanding any provisions of law to the contrary,except as otherwise provided in subsection (c) of this section, no person whorenders services as a manager, coach, instructor, umpire, referee, or officialor who assists a manager, coach, instructor, umpire, referee, or official in aninterscholastic or intramural sports program organized and conducted inaccordance with and subject to the rules, regulations, and jurisdiction of theRhode Island interscholastic league, the committee on junior high schoolathletics, and/or the board of regents for elementary and secondary educationshall be liable to any person for any civil damages as a result of any acts oromissions in the rendering of such services or assistance unless the acts oromissions of the person were committed in willful, wanton, or recklessdisregard for the safety of the participants in the interscholastic orintramural sports program.
(c) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to grant immunityto any person, corporation, or other entity who or which causes injury ordamage as the result of the negligent operation of a motor vehicle.
(d) For purposes of this section:
(1) "Youth sports program" shall include any programorganized for recreational athletic competition, and/or instruction and whoseparticipants are nineteen (19) years of age or younger or physically ormentally disabled regardless of age.
(2) "Compensation" shall not include reimbursement forreasonable expenses actually incurred or to be incurred or, solely in the caseof umpires, referees, or other game officials, a modest honorarium.
(3) "Nonprofit corporation" shall include any nonprofitcorporation or nonprofit association organized under the law of this state, orof any other state, or of the United States, which is authorized to do businessin this state.