§ 8-9-16 - Confirmation of prior acts and proceedings.
SECTION 8-9-16
§ 8-9-16 Confirmation of prior acts andproceedings. When the validity of an act or proceeding of a probate court, or of a personacting as executor, administrator, or guardian, is called in question by reasonof an alleged irregularity, defective notice, or want or improper exercise ofauthority, any party interested in or affected by the act or proceeding mayapply to the probate court having jurisdiction of the subject matter in respectto which the act or proceeding has been had; and the court, after such noticeas it may order to all parties interested, may hear and determine the matterand confirm the act or proceeding, in whole or in part, and may authorize andempower the executor, administrator, guardian, or any successor, or otherperson who may be legally appointed to act in the same capacity, to confirm theact or proceeding and to execute and deliver such deeds, releases, conveyances,and other instruments as may be found necessary for that purpose; but no act orproceeding shall be confirmed which the court might not have authorized in thefirst instance upon due proceedings.