§ 8-16-7 - Power of the supreme court to discipline, suspend, or remove judges.
SECTION 8-16-7
§ 8-16-7 Power of the supreme court todiscipline, suspend, or remove judges. (a) Whenever the commission shall have recommended reprimand, censure,suspension, immediate temporary suspension, removal, or retirement of a judgefrom office and filed its findings and recommendations with the chief justiceof the supreme court, and those recommendations have been affirmed or modified,after compliance has been had with the provisions of § 8-16-6 providingfor a review of the recommendations by the supreme court, that court shall andhereby is empowered to take such action and to issue such process as may berequired to give effect to the recommendations of the commission as affirmed ormodified. Orders entered by the supreme court pursuant to this subsection shallbe public and shall be published in the same manner as other orders of thesupreme court.
(b) Whenever the commission shall recommend the removal of ajustice of the supreme court from office and the recommendation has beenapproved after compliance has been had with the provisions of § 8-16-6providing for a review of the recommendations by the supreme court, that courtshall thereupon transmit its findings and recommendation to the speaker of thehouse of representatives recommending therein the initiation of proceedings forthe removal of the justice of the supreme court pursuant to the provisions ofarticle X, § 4, and article XI of the constitution of this state,providing for the impeachment or removal of justices of the supreme court.
(c) Whenever the supreme court shall, upon review, reject arecommendation of the commission, it shall set forth its reasons therefor in awritten decision which shall be public and shall be published in the samemanner as other decisions of the supreme court.