§ 8-16-1 - Composition Appointment.
SECTION 8-16-1
§ 8-16-1 Composition Appointment. (a) There is hereby created a commission to be known as the commission onjudicial tenure and discipline, hereinafter referred to as the commission. Thecommission shall consist of fifteen (15) members: three (3) of whom shall beappointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate, none ofwhom need be attorneys; three (3) of whom shall be appointed by the governorfrom a list of attorneys provided by the Rhode Island bar association with theadvice and consent of the senate, that list of attorneys to include five (5)names for each member to be appointed by the governor; one attorney or publicmember to be appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives, oneattorney or public member who shall be appointed by the house minority leader,one attorney or public member to be appointed by the president of the senate;and one attorney or public member to be appointed by the senate minorityleader; five (5) members of the judiciary appointed by the supreme court, oneeach from the superior, family, district and workers' compensation courts andone at large member from any of the aforementioned courts shall be chairperson.
(b) No member of the commission, except the appointed membersof the judiciary, shall, while serving as a member thereof, hold any publicoffice, or be in the employ of the state of Rhode Island.
(c) The chairperson of the commission shall direct theperformance of such administrative duties as may be required for the effectivedischarge of the obligations herein made incumbent upon the commission.