§ 8-16.1-4 - Criteria for selection of best qualified nominees.
SECTION 8-16.1-4
§ 8-16.1-4 Criteria for selection of bestqualified nominees. (a) The commission shall consider, but is not limited to, the following factorsin selecting the best qualified nominees: intellect, ability, temperament,impartiality, diligence, experience, maturity, education, publications, andrecord of public, community, and government service. Every person shall, at thetime of consideration by the commission, be an attorney and licensed topractice law in the state of Rhode Island and be a current member of the RhodeIsland bar association in good standing.
(b) The commission shall exercise reasonable efforts toencourage racial, ethnic, and gender diversity within the judiciary of thisstate. To further this goal, on an annual basis, the commission shall report tothe general assembly and to the governor on (i) the statistics regarding therace, ethnicity and gender of applicants considered by the commission in theprevious year and (ii) efforts made by the commission during the previous yearto encourage racial, ethnic and gender diversity within the judiciary of thisstate. The form of the report and the means by which the commission shallrequest the necessary information from applicants shall be determined by thecommission pursuant to its rule-making authority, except that no applicantshall be required to provide the information as a prerequisite toconsideration, and the identifying information with respect to race, ethnicityand gender shall be collected anonymously from applicants. The report shall bemade available to the public. The commission shall also consider thecandidate's sensitivity to historically disadvantaged classes, and maydisqualify any candidate with a demonstrated history of bias towards any ofthese classes.