§ 8-10-7 - Family counselling service.
SECTION 8-10-7
§ 8-10-7 Family counselling service. Within the family court there shall be a family counselling service, consistingof such personnel as the court shall deem necessary to assist the court inadvising and counselling the parties and whose qualifications shall beestablished by the court. The justices of the family court or a majority ofthem shall be the appointing authority of the family counselling personnel. Thecourt is specifically authorized to make use of existing private and publicfamily and other service agencies in the functioning of the family counsellingservice. The family counselling service shall, where desirable, possible, andpracticable, make use of the counsel and advice of a member of the clergy ofthe faith of each or all of the parties and shall, where desirable, possible,and practicable, consult the clergy of the parish or congregation of each ofthe respective parties.