§ 8-10-14.1 - Powers of justices of the peace.
SECTION 8-10-14.1
§ 8-10-14.1 Powers of justices of thepeace. (a) The chief judge of the family court shall from time to time appoint, withpower to revoke such appointments, from those qualified justices of the peacewho shall be members of the bar of the state of Rhode Island as many suchjustices of the peace as he or she may deem necessary who shall be authorizedto set and take bail in all complaints bailable before the family court exceptthose offenses punishable by life imprisonment, and, if unable to post bail, tocommit to the adult correctional institutions all respondents arrested on suchcomplaints, and the chief judge shall authorize the justices of the peace soappointed by him or her to issue warrants and complaints returnable to thefamily court, for any offense for which by law a judge of the family court mayissue a warrant and complaint, and all warrants so issued, and all warrants andcomplaints upon which bail is taken or commitments are made shall be forthwithreturned to family court; provided, that the justices of the peace shall not inany case or for any purpose have the power to issue search warrants.
(b) In the event that session of family court is not held inany of the counties on the next weekday (Monday thru Friday) after appearanceby a respondent before a justice of the peace, then the justice of the peacemay schedule the arraignment of the respondent in the closest county (if insession on the next day following) or in Providence county as he or she shallbe directed by the administrative orders of the chief judge of the family court.