§ 7-6-70 - Admission of foreign corporation.
SECTION 7-6-70
§ 7-6-70 Admission of foreign corporation. (a) No foreign corporation has the right to conduct affairs in this state untilit has procured a certificate of authority to do so from the secretary ofstate. No foreign corporation is entitled to procure a certificate of authorityunder this chapter to conduct any affairs in this state which a corporationorganized under this chapter is prohibited from conducting. A foreigncorporation shall not be denied a certificate of authority because of the factthat the laws of the state or country under which the corporation is organizedgoverning its organization and internal affairs differ from the laws of thisstate, and nothing contained in this chapter is construed to authorize thisstate to regulate the organization or the internal affairs of the corporation.
(b) Without excluding other activities which may notconstitute conducting affairs in this state, a foreign corporation is notconsidered to be conducting affairs in this state, for the purposes of thischapter, by reason of carrying on in this state any one or more of thefollowing activities:
(1) Maintaining or defending any action or suit or anyadministrative or arbitration proceeding, or effecting the settlement of claimsor disputes.
(2) Holding meetings of its directors or members or carryingon other activities concerning its internal affairs.
(3) Maintaining bank accounts.
(4) Creating evidences of debt, mortgages, or liens on realor personal property.
(5) Securing or collecting debts due to it or enforcing anyrights in property securing the debts.
(6) Conducting its affairs in interstate commerce.
(7) Granting funds.
(8) Distributing information to its members.
(9) Conducting an isolated transaction completed within aperiod of 30 days and not in the course of a number of repeated transactions oflike nature.