§ 7-6-57 - Issuance of certificate of revocation.
SECTION 7-6-57
§ 7-6-57 Issuance of certificate ofrevocation. (a) Upon revoking any certificate of incorporation, the secretary of stateshall:
(1) Issue a certificate of revocation in duplicate;
(2) File one of the certificates in the secretary of state'soffice;
(3) Send to the corporation by regular mail a certificate ofrevocation, addressed to the registered office of the corporation in this stateon file with the secretary of state's office; provided, however, that if aprior mailing addressed to the registered office of the corporation in thisstate currently on file with the secretary of state's office has been returnedto the secretary of state as undeliverable by the United States Postal Servicefor any reason, or if the certificate of revocation is returned asundeliverable to the secretary of state's office by the United States PostalService for any reason, or if the secretary of state shall give notice asfollows:
(i) To the corporation at its principal office of record asshown in its most recent annual report, and no further notice shall berequired; or
(ii) In the case of a domestic corporation which has not yetfiled an annual report, then to any one of the incorporators listed on thearticles of incorporation, and no further notice shall be required.
(b) Upon the issuance of the certificate of revocation, theauthority of the corporation to transact business in this state ceases.