§ 7-16-66 - Annual report of domestic and foreign limited liability companies.

SECTION 7-16-66

   § 7-16-66  Annual report of domestic andforeign limited liability companies. – (a) Each domestic limited liability company and each foreign limited liabilitycompany authorized to transact business in this state, shall file, between thefirst day of September and the first day of November in each year following thecalendar year in which its original articles of organization or application forregistration were filed with the secretary of state, an annual report settingforth:

   (1) The name and address of the principal office of thelimited liability company;

   (2) The state or other jurisdiction under the laws of whichit is formed;

   (3) The name and address of its resident agent;

   (4) The current mailing address of the limited liabilitycompany and the name or title of a person to whom communications may bedirected;

   (5) A brief statement of the character of the business inwhich the limited liability company is actually engaged in this state;

   (6) Any additional information required by the secretary ofstate; and

   (7) If the limited liability company has managers, the nameand address of each of its managers.

   (b) The information in the annual report shall be given as ofthe date of the execution of the report. It shall be executed by an authorizedperson of the domestic limited liability company and by a person with authorityto do so under the laws of the state or other jurisdiction of organization of aforeign limited liability company. Proof to the satisfaction of the secretaryof state that prior to November 1st the report was deposited in the UnitedStates mail in a sealed envelope, properly addressed, with postage prepaid, isdeemed to be timely filed.

   (c) If the secretary of state finds that the annual reportconforms to the requirements of this chapter, the secretary of state shall filethe report. If the secretary of state finds that it does not conform, thesecretary of state shall promptly return the report to the limited liabilitycompany for any necessary corrections, in which event the penaltiessubsequently prescribed for failure to file the report within the timepreviously provided do not apply if the report is corrected to conform to therequirements of this chapter and returned to the secretary of state withinthirty (30) days from the date on which it was mailed to the limited liabilitycompany by the secretary of state.

   (d) Each limited liability company, domestic or foreign, thatfails or refuses to file its annual report for any year within thirty (30) daysafter the time prescribed by this chapter is subject to a penalty oftwenty-five dollars ($25.00) per year.