§ 7-16-48 - Law governing foreign limited liability companies.

SECTION 7-16-48

   § 7-16-48  Law governing foreign limitedliability companies. – (a) Subject to the constitution of this state:

   (1) The laws of the state or other jurisdiction under which aforeign limited liability company is organized govern its organization andinternal affairs and the liability of its members; and

   (2) A foreign limited liability company may not be deniedregistration by reason of any difference between those laws and the laws ofthis state.

   (b) A foreign limited liability company holding a validregistration in this state has no greater rights and privileges than a domesticlimited liability company. The registration shall not be deemed to authorizethe foreign limited liability company to exercise any of its powers or conductany business that a domestic limited liability company is not permitted by lawto exercise or conduct in this state.