§ 7-13-49 - Registration.
SECTION 7-13-49
§ 7-13-49 Registration. – Before transacting business in this state, a foreign limited partnership shallregister with the secretary of state. In order to register, a foreign limitedpartnership shall submit to the secretary of state, in duplicate, anapplication for registration as a foreign limited partnership, signed and swornto by a general partner and setting forth:
(1) The name of the foreign limited partnership and, ifdifferent, the name under which it proposes to register and transact businessin this state;
(2) The state and date of its formation;
(3) The general character of the business it proposes totransact in this state;
(4) The name and address of any agent for service of processon the foreign limited partnership whom the foreign limited partnership electsto appoint; the agent must be an individual resident of this state, a domesticcorporation, or a foreign corporation having a place of business in, andauthorized to do business in this state;
(5) A statement that the secretary of state is appointed theagent of the foreign limited partnership for service of process if no agent hasbeen appointed under subdivision (4) or, if appointed, the agent's authorityhas been revoked or if the agent cannot be found or served with the exercise ofreasonable diligence; and
(6) The address of the office required to be maintained inthe state of its organization by the laws of that state or, if not so required,of the principal office of the foreign limited partnership; and
(7) The name and business address of each general partner; and
(8) The address of the office at which is kept a list of thenames and addresses of the limited partners and their capital contributions,together with an undertaking by the foreign limited partnership to keep thoserecords until the foreign limited partnership's registration in this state iscanceled or withdrawn; and
(9) A mailing address for the foreign limited partnership; and
(10) Additional information as may be necessary orappropriate in order to enable the secretary of state to determine whether theforeign limited partnership is entitled to a certificate of authority totransact business in this state and to determine and assess the fees payable asprescribed in this chapter.