§ 7-11-604 - Criminal penalties.

SECTION 7-11-604

   § 7-11-604  Criminal penalties. – (a) A person who willfully violates a provision of this chapter, except §7-11-504, or a rule of the director under this chapter, or who violates §7-11-504, knowing the statement made or omitted to be false or misleading inany material respect, is guilty of a felony and upon conviction is fined notmore than ten thousand dollars ($10,000) or imprisoned not more than ten (10)years, or both.

   (b) A person who willfully violates a stop order or a ceaseand desist order issued by the director under this chapter is guilty of amisdemeanor and is fined not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) orimprisoned for not more than one year, or both.

   (c) A person convicted of violating a rule or order underthis chapter may be fined as stated in subsection (b), but may not beimprisoned, if the person proves lack of knowledge of the rule or order.

   (d) No indictment or information may be brought under thissection more than ten (10) years after the alleged violation.

   (e) The director may refer evidence concerning violations ofthis chapter or a rule or order of the director under this chapter to theattorney general who may, with or without a reference, institute appropriatecriminal proceedings under this chapter.

   (f) Nothing in this chapter limits the power of this state topunish a person for conduct constituting a crime under other law.