§ 6-50-3 - Purposes; rules of construction; variation by contract.

SECTION 6-50-3

   § 6-50-3  Purposes; rules of construction;variation by contract. – (a) This chapter shall be liberally construed and applied to promote itsunderlying remedial purposes and policies.

   (b) The underlying purposes and policies of this chapter are:

   (1) To promote the compelling interest of the public in fairbusiness relations between dealers and grantors, and in the continuation ofdealerships on a fair basis;

   (2) To protect dealers against unfair treatment by grantors;

   (3) To provide dealers with rights and remedies in additionto those existing by contract or common law;

   (4) To govern dealerships, including any renewals oramendments, to the full extent consistent with the constitutions of this stateand the United States.

   (c) The effect of this chapter may not be varied by contractor agreement. Any contract or agreement purporting to do so is void andunenforceable to that extent only.