§ 6-36-11 - Enforcement.
SECTION 6-36-11
§ 6-36-11 Enforcement. (a) Action for treble damages. Any person or public body, including theUnited States, who shall be injured in his or her business or property byreason of a violation of the provisions of this chapter may sue in superiorcourt and shall recover threefold the damages sustained by him or her, togetherwith reasonable costs of suit and any reasonable attorneys' fees that may begranted at the discretion of the court. The reasonable costs of suit mayinclude, but shall not be limited to, the expenses of discovery and documentreproduction.
(b) Action by attorney general. The attorney generalshall investigate suspected violations of the provisions of this chapter and ifhe or she shall conclude that a violation is imminent, is occurring, or hasoccurred, he or she may institute on behalf of the state of Rhode Island or anyof its departments, subdivisions, agencies, or its cities and towns, an actionin superior court seeking appropriate relief. The attorney general may bring anaction in federal court on behalf of the state of Rhode Island or any of itspolitical subdivisions or agencies, or its cities and towns, to recover thedamages provided for by the federal antitrust laws, and pursuant to the federallaws may undertake any measures that he or she deems necessary for thesuccessful conduct of the action.