§ 6-34.1-1 - Law applicable to construction contracts.
SECTION 6-34.1-1
§ 6-34.1-1 Law applicable to constructioncontracts. (a) If a contract is principally for the construction or repair of improvementsto real property located in Rhode Island and the contract contains a provisionthat makes the contract or any conflict arising under it subject to the law ofanother state, to litigation in the courts of another state, or to arbitrationin another state, that provision is voidable by the party that is obligated bythe contract to perform the construction or repair.
(b) A contract is principally for the construction or repairof improvements to real property located in Rhode Island if the contractobligates a party, as its principal obligation under the contract, to providelabor, or labor and materials, for the construction or repair of improvementsto real property located in Rhode Island as a general contractor orsubcontractor.
(c) A contract is not principally for the construction orrepair of improvements to real property located in Rhode Island if:
(1) The contract is a partnership agreement or otheragreement governing an entity or trust;
(2) The contract provides for a loan or other extension ofcredit and the party promising to construct or repair improvements does so aspart of its agreements with the lender or other extender of credit; or
(3) The contract is for the management of real property orimprovements and the obligation to construct or repair is part of thatmanagement.
(d) Subsections (b) and (c) of this section are not anexclusive list of situations in which a contract is or is not principally forthe construction or repair of improvements to real property located in thisstate.
(e) The superior court of the state of Rhode Island shallhave exclusive jurisdiction in relation to the construing or enforceability of§ 6-34.1-1.