§ 6-13-16 - Prohibition against recording personal information in credit card transactions.
SECTION 6-13-16
§ 6-13-16 Prohibition against recordingpersonal information in credit card transactions. (a) No person, firm, partnership or corporation which accepts credit cards forthe transaction of business shall require the credit card holder to write orcause to be written on a transaction form any personal identificationinformation, including, but not limited to, the credit card holder's address ortelephone number, that is not required by the credit card issuer to completethe credit card transactions.
(b) The credit card holder's address and telephone number maybe required on a transaction form where: (1) this information is necessary forshipping, delivery, installation of purchased merchandise, consumer rentaltransactions, warranty, or for special orders; (2) authorization from thecredit card issuer as to the availability of credit is required by the issuerto complete the credit card transaction; or (3) the person, firm, partnership,or corporation processes credit card transactions by mailing transaction formsto the designated bankcard center for settlement.
(c) This section shall not preclude a person, firm,partnership or corporation that accepts credit cards from requesting thispersonal identification and recording it, if it is provided by the card holderpursuant to that request.
(d) Any person, firm, partnership or corporation who shallviolate the provisions of this section shall be punished by a fine of not morethan one hundred dollars ($100).