§ 6-10-2 - Length of small units to be shown Bobbins Packages for household use.
SECTION 6-10-2
§ 6-10-2 Length of small units to be shown Bobbins Packages for household use. When the net weight of the thread in or on any unit is less than two (2) ouncesavoirdupois, the unit shall be marked to show the length of the thread in yardsas unwound from the unit. Ready-wound bobbins which are not sold separatelyshall not be required to be individually marked, but the package containing thebobbins shall be marked to show the number of bobbins contained in the packageand the net weight or measure of the thread on each bobbin. Any retail unit ofthread, sold only for household use, consisting of a package containing two (2)or more similar individual units, which are not sold separately, shall bemarked to show the number of individual units in the package and the net weightor measure of the thread in each individual unit, but this provision shall notapply where the individual units are separately marked.