§ 6-1-1 - Filing of business name required.


   § 6-1-1  Filing of business name required.– No person or persons shall carry on or conduct or transact business in thisstate under any assumed name, or under any designation, name, or style,corporate or otherwise, other than the real name or names of the individual orindividuals conducting or transacting business, unless the person or personsshall file, in the office of the town or city clerk in the town or city inwhich the person or persons conduct or transact, or intend to conduct ortransact, business, a certificate stating the name under which the business is,or is to be, conducted or transacted, and the true or real full name or names,both the first name and surname, of the person or persons conducting ortransacting the business, with the post office address or addresses of theperson or persons. The certificate shall be executed and sworn to by the personor persons so conducting or intending to conduct the business, before someperson authorized to administer oaths.