§ 5-8-18 - Suspension, refusal to renew, and revocation of certificates Complaints Hearings.
SECTION 5-8-18
§ 5-8-18 Suspension, refusal to renew, andrevocation of certificates Complaints Hearings. (a) After notice and a hearing as provided in this section, the board may inits discretion: (1) suspend, revoke, or refuse to renew any certificate ofregistration; (2) revoke or suspend or refuse to renew any certificate ofauthorization; (3) publicly censure, or reprimand or censure in writing; (4)limit the scope of practice of; (5) impose an administrative fine upon, not toexceed one thousand dollars ($1,000) for each violation; (6) place onprobation; and/or (7) for good cause shown order a reimbursement of the boardfor all fees, expenses, costs, and attorneys fees in connection with theproceedings, which amounts shall be deposited as general revenues; all with orwithout terms, conditions or limitations, holders of a certificate ofregistration or a certificate of authorization, referred to as licensee(s), forany one or more of the causes set out in subsection (b) of this section.
(b) The board may take actions specified in subsection (a) ofthis section for any of the following causes:
(1) Bribery, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation in obtaininga certificate of registration or certificate of authorization;
(2) Practicing engineering in another state or country orjurisdiction in violation of the laws of that state or country or jurisdiction;
(3) Practicing engineering in this state in violation of thestandards of professional conduct established by the board;
(4) Fraud, deceit, recklessness, gross negligence,misconduct, or incompetence in the practice of engineering;
(5) Use of an engineer's stamp in violation of section 5-8-14;
(6) Violation of any of the provisions of this chapter;
(7) Suspension or revocation of the right to practiceengineering before any state or before any other country or jurisdiction;
(8) Conviction of or pleading guilty or nolo contendere toany felony or to any crime of, or an act constituting a crime of, forgery,embezzlement, obtaining money under false pretenses, bribery, larceny,extortion, conspiracy to defraud, or any other similar offense or offensesinvolving moral turpitude, in a court of competent jurisdiction of this stateor any other state or of the federal government;
(9) Failure to furnish to the board or any person acting onbehalf of the board in a reasonable time any information that may be legallyrequested by the board;
(10) In conjunction with any violation of subdivisions (1) (9) of this subsection, any conduct reflecting adversely upon thelicensee's fitness to engage in the practice of engineering; and
(11) In conjunction with any violation of subdivisions (1) (9) of this subsection, any other conduct discreditable to theengineering profession.
(c) Any person may file complaints of fraud, deceit, grossnegligence, incompetence, or misconduct against any registrant. Those chargesshall be in writing, sworn to by the person or persons making them and filedwith the board.
(d) All charges, unless dismissed by the board as unfoundedor trivial, shall be heard by the board within six (6) months after the date onwhich they have been properly filed or within six (6) months followingresolution of similar charges that have been brought against a registrant whois before another regulatory body.
(e) The time and place for the hearing pursuant to subsection(d) of this section shall be fixed by the board, and a copy of charges,together with a notice of the time and place of hearing, shall be personallyserved on or mailed to the last known address of the registrant, at leastthirty (30) days before the date fixed for the hearing. At any hearing, theaccused registrant shall have the right to appear personally and/or by counsel,to cross-examine witnesses appearing against him or her, and to produceevidence and witnesses in his or her own defense.
(f) If, after the hearing pursuant to subsection (d) of thissection, the evidence is in favor of sustaining the charges, the board may inits discretion suspend, refuse to renew, or revoke the certificate ofregistration or certificate of authorization, or publicly censure the licensee,or take any other action and/or order any other penalty permitted by thissection. The board, for reasons it deems sufficient, may reissue a certificateof registration or certificate of authorization or renewal to any person orfirm whose certificate has been revoked.
(g) In addition, the board may on its own motion investigatethe conduct of an applicant, engineer, sole proprietorship, partnership,limited liability partnership, corporation, limited liability company orindividual.